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  • Mathematics


    At St Leonard's our Christian faith and values form the basis of everything we do. We are 'growing and learning together with God's love'. We are committed to providing an inclusive education for all, enabling each child to learn and develop the skills and knowledge they need to thrive.


    It is our intention that every pupil, irrelevant of needs, acquires the mathematical skills and knowledge to carry out efficient mental, use written calculations and solve real life problems.

    We aim to develop the whole child through carefully planned and resources lessons, which are ambitious and connected, and enable all children to access mathematical learning appropriate to their age and ability, including children with SEND and higher achievers. We aim to develop in all of our children:

    • Positive attitudes towards mathematics whereby they have the confidence and perseverance to gain knowledge and success.
    • The ability to think clearly, logically and systematically when problem solving.
    • The ability and initiative to work independently and in cooperation with others.
    • An ability to 'talk maths' using age appropriate mathematical vocabulary.
    • An awareness of the use of mathematics in the world beyond the classroom and when solving problems in everyday life.
    • Mental agility and fluency in mathematical computations.


    Mathematics is an important part of our curriculum and pupils have daily lessons.

    Our Mastery Maths curriculum is based upon the Programme of Study produced by White Rose Maths.  In addition to this teacher’s plan and deliver lessons using content from Primary Stars, Master the Curriculum, NRICH and the NCETM.  The Programme of Study covers all of the statutory requirements of the 2014 National Curriculum, focusing upon the key areas of Mathematics, which include: Number and Place Value, Addition and Subtraction, Multiplication and Division, Fractions and Decimals and Percentages, Algebra, Measurement, Geometry, Ratio and Proportion, and Statistics. (As appropriate for each year group)

    Across the school children work in mixed ability classes. Teachers use a range of approaches to develop children’s fluency in the fundamentals of maths, and their reasoning and problem solving skills. The use of ‘Concrete, Pictorial and Abstract’ methods allows children to make connections and develop their ability to explain, reason and problem solve across the various mathematical concepts. 

    Using and focusing upon the five areas of a Mastery Maths Curriculum enables children to access the learning at an appropriate level and be challenged accordingly. The aim of this approach is to encourage children to be independent learners and to promote a positive learning culture with high levels of self-esteem.  (Five areas: Representation and Structure, Mathematical Thinking, Variation, Fluency and Coherence).

    Daily counting, Rolling Numbers rhymes and the use of TTRockstars and Numbots, enhances children’s fluency of number bonds and multiplication tables. 

    Our curriculum is progressive across year groups and key stages, with each objective being broken down into small steps to ensure learning is embedded before moving on. The curriculum is carefully planned to ensure our children have the skills they need in the order they need them, to progress effectively and confidently through the Primary Curriculum. 

    When teaching calculation, teachers follow the guidance as detailed in the Calculation Policy.  We are sensitive to the mathematical needs of children with learning difficulties and  higher achievers. Children are identified by the class teacher/SENDCo/Maths subject leader and support is put in place to help those experiencing difficulties in mathematics through differentiation, classroom support and/or the use of intervention materials.  Children identified as high achieving in maths are appropriately challenged through deeper reasoning opportunities and greater depth mastery challenges.

    Mathematics in EYFS Maths is one of the seven areas of the early years foundation stage and is used to develop a pupil’s confidence and ability with number and their understanding of shape, space and measures. This is achieved through a diet of:

    • adult-led whole class sessions
    • adult-led small group activities
    • planned and purposeful play through continuous provision

    Mathematics in KS1

    In KS1 there are daily maths lessons which comprise:

    • an opportunity to recap on previous learning 
    • Whole class counting activities within the daily routine
    • Guided practice – giving the children chance to work collaboratively on short activities before looking at strategies as a class.
    • Independent / small group activities – children apply what they have learnt during the guided practice.
    • Prior to each topic prior knowledge is assessed to inform planning.

    Mathematics in KS2

    In KS2 there are daily maths lessons which comprise:

    • an opportunity to recap on previous learning at the start of each maths lesson.
    • Daily opportunity to practice the rapid recall of multiplication / division facts.
    • Guided practice – giving the children chance to work collaboratively on short activities before looking at strategies as a class.
    • Independent / small group activities – children apply what they have learnt during the guided practice.
    • Prior to each topic teachers assess prior knowledge to inform planning. 


    Through the teaching of our Maths Curriculum children will become confident, competent and fluent mathematical thinkers.  Mathematics is monitored and evaluated by the Head Teacher (Sarah Bowley) and the Maths subject leader (Laura James), through lesson observations, lesson study, learning walks, pupil voice and book looks. Teacher assessment levels are collated, and discussed regularly through ‘Pupil Progress Meetings’ and scrutinised for a longer term overview of performance trends. These results are shared and discussed with the School Improvement Partner and school Governors. In addition, children’s work is shared and moderated within school and the local learning community. This helps to analyse and evaluate our practice and make decisions about future practice, training needs and resources. 

    Continuous assessment is integral to our daily teaching; through observations, discussions and marking, teachers are able to make judgments about children’s levels of knowledge and understanding. 

    In addition, End of Block Assessments along with End of Term Assessments produced by White Rose Maths, are used by teachers and help to inform our planning and target setting for individuals and whole classes.

    In 4+ (reception) assessment is measured using the Foundation Stage Profile. 

    Fundamentally, our children acquire the skills and knowledge they need as they move onto middle school and for their future mathematical learning.

    Formal assessments take place in some year groups;

    Year R – Baseline assessment on entry and reviewed termly
    Year 2 – SATs – Summer Term
    Year 4 - Multiplication Tables Check