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  • Curriculum Statement

    At St Leonard’s Lower school, we are growing and learning together with God's love. Our school vision is based on the Parable of the Sower (Matthew 13). We are encouraged to think about how the smallest things have the greatest potential when they are provided with the best conditions for growth.

    At St Leonard's Lower School we have high aspirations for all pupils at and we aim to provide a high quality learning experience and environment, that will enable all of our children to develop deep roots, flourish and grow in their own unique way.

    We will do this by:

    • Providing a school community built on the foundations of our 'Christian Values', where all children feel safe, secure, welcome, included, challenged and nurtured and where they can grow personally, academically, socially and spiritually.
    • Maintaining a school community in which mutual respect and relationships are rooted in treating others as we would wish to be treated ourselves.
    • Providing a high quality learning experience and environment which nurtures an excitement and appetite for learning.
    • Providing a relevant, stimulating and challenging curriculum, with quality of depth of knowledge and skills alongside opportunities to practise and apply these in meaningful ways, so that all learners achieve their full potential and are ready for their next steps in learning. 
    • Promoting spiritual, moral, social and cultural understanding through appropriate curricular opportunities with particular reference to equality and diversity.
    • Providing an inclusive and accessible education and extra curricular opportunities for all, enabling each child to learn and develop the skills and knowledge they need to thrive.   
    • Promoting a whole school focus on ‘Growth Mindset’ encouraging our children to become resilient, independent life-long learners who strive to be the best that they can be.
    • Ensuring that success and difference is celebrated. 
    • Nurturing the whole child, promoting active and healthy lifestyles.
    • Providing an inviting and inclusive school environment where all members of the school community, of all faiths or none, are valued, respected and care for one another.
    • Encouraging and developing links between the school, home, our parishes and the local, national and global community.
    • Providing an outstanding personal development curriculum to support our children become kind, happy and healthy people, who show resilience in the face of challenge and who contribute positively to an ever changing society in order to “Live life in all its fullness” John 10:10.  
    • Vision and Ethos Statement

    Our curriculum has been designed to enable the children to meet and exceed the expectations of the 2014 National Curriculum programmes of study both in terms of knowledge and skills, in an engaging, inspiring and memorable way. 

    Our curriculum is a literacy rich curriculum; where possible our teachers carefully plan activities related to high quality and engaging texts which are suited to children's ages and experiences and aimed at developing a love of reading and writing. High quality visits, visitors and enrichment days are also an important part of our curriculum planning and our wonderful outdoor environment and neighbouring country parks are used to support the children's learning wherever possible.

    We endeavour to make learning in subjects cross-curricular and meaningful to each child; providing real depth of knowledge and understanding and helping them to 'know more and remember more'. However, we also teach certain knowledge and skills discreetly, for example phonics, spelling, handwriting, mathematics, religious education, physical education, PSHRE (Personal, Social, Health and Relationships Education) and French (Key Stage 2 only). Our year 2 class also takes part in a planned, weekly Forest School session.

    Our curriculum is carefully planned to sequence the introduction of new knowledge and the consolidation of prior understanding. Children connect new knowledge with existing knowledge and they revisit the key knowledge and skills regularly which form the essence of each subject through a rich variety of contexts where they also practise and refine their developing skills. In this way, children acquire the knowledge and facts they need for History for example, and consolidate their understanding by writing about it in English and designing in Art, whilst simultaneously improving and developing their English and Art and Design skills. 

    Our curriculum is inclusive, ambitious and adapted for all pupils to achieve their potential. Those who are most able are challenged and encouraged to expand their skills through higher order questioning and problem solving skills and those who find learning more challenging are given targeted intervention, adapted learning tasks, resources and support to embed skills and to learn in a style that best suits their individual needs. Our pupils are supported to understand how to be a 'good learner' and how to be ready, respectful and safe. They learn about rights and responsibilities and as a result our pupils behave well, they are motivated to learn and know how to succeed. 

    Embedded within our curriculum and throughout our teaching and learning is a whole school culture of 'growth mindset'. We encourage pupils to relish challenges and embrace mistakes as part of the learning process, to value the importance of effort, to respond carefully to feedback and take inspiration from others. This will help them to achieve in their future lives as adults and as they move onto middle school. 

    There is a strong emphasis on personal development and emotional wellbeing. Our Personal, Social, Health, SRE and Online Safety curriculums support our children to develop the emotional literacy and social and relationships skills that they need to be happy, healthy and safe. We have a well trained support team who are able to offer extra curricular interventions to support social and emotional wellbeing. 

    Our school values are embedded within our curriculum and within our whole school ethos through collective worship and classroom activities. Our pupils and the wider school community articulate the values and are encouraged to recognise them in their and others’ behaviour. Through these and through other areas of our curriculum pupils are given opportunities to develop socially, morally, spiritually and culturally, with an emphasis on respecting diversity, to understand and appreciate the wider society that we at school are preparing them for. 

    Community involvement is an essential part of our curriculum as we celebrate local traditions and learn new skills to enable the children to take an active role in events throughout the year. Children leave St Leonard's with a sense of belonging to a tightly knit community where they have the confidence and resilience to make decisions, self-evaluate, make connections and become lifelong learners.


    For further information on how we implement our Curriculum please see individual curriculum areas by following the curriculum link below.

    Our curriculum is monitored regularly through our whole school monitoring and evaluation schedule. This includes lesson observations, learning walks, book looks and pupil progress meetings. Termly input from governors and the School's Improvement Advisor also forms part of the monitoring and evaluation process.

    Assessment is carried out by teachers to inform them of the children’s gaps in learning, and this feeds into the next lesson so that the pace of learning is determined by the children’s confidence in each area. Parents receive reports twice per year, and are invited in to Parent Consultations one per term. Further information evenings and open classrooms are hosted across the academic year.

    Impact – National Comparison 

    St Leonard's is proud of its achievement record and we consistently achieve averages above National Benchmarks in all areas from EYFS, Phonics Screen, Key Stage 1 and Multiplication Check Results at Year 4. 

    In 2024 80% of our pupils achieved the nationally expected Good Level of Development at the end of Reception compared with a national outcome of 67.2% (2023)

    In 2024 85% of our pupils passed the Phonics check in Year 1 compared to 79% nationally (2023).

    In Year 2 2024 teacher assessments indicate that in reading 79% of our children are working at national expectation (68% national 2023) 21% of our children are working at Greater Depth Standard (19% national 2023)

    In Writing 67% of our children are working at national expectation (60% national) 

    In Maths 79% are working at national expectation (70% national) 21% of our children are working at Greater Depth Standard (16% national)