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  • School Council

    Our School Council represents the views of all our pupils. It gives children the opportunity to make their voices heard and feel part of the whole school community.

    We have a flourishing School Council which has a real input into the life of the school. They take an active part in school decision and policy making. The members are elected by their peers and we have two representatives from each year group one to four.

    The School Council meet regularly. They take ideas from the other children in their class and come up with exciting fundraising activities, like making the teachers wear pyjamas to school for Comic Relief! 

    Our School Council run a 'fair trade' tuck shop each Friday, the proceeds of which sponsor a child from 'World Vision'. 

    They present assemblies on E safety and Anti-Bullying, and other important topics.

    Our School council are also our Eco Council. In their eco-council role they work together to make our school community as Eco friendly as possible. 

    All children are able to give their opinions about the life of the school through discussion and questionnaires.

    Our School and Eco Councillors 2024-2025


    Recently, we have been working on creating our new eco-code. 

    This year we have taken part in the 'Cut Your Carbon' initiative.  Our school council led an assembly to encourage us all to make small changes during November to reduce our carbon footprint and help reduce global greenhouse gas emissions.

    Our school community took part in the The Big Plastic Count- Greenpeace in 2022 and 2024

    Our Results Footprint shows details of the amount and types of plastic the children counted at home during the week.

    Our previous School Councillors also attended Parliament to share our results with politicians.