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  • Pupil Premium

    What is Pupil Premium funding?

    Pupil Premium funding is allocated to pupils from low-income families and those who are eligible for free school meals (FSM) or have been in the last six years (Ever 6). The funding is also allocated to pupils who have been in the care of the Local Authority for more than six months, are adopted under the Adoption and Children's Act 2002 and have care under a Special Guardianship or Residence Order.  Pupils whose parents are currently serving in the armed forces are also eligible for funding. This funding aims to raise attainment and progress in the identified groups of pupils and close the attainment and progress gap between their peers.

    This funding is provided directly to the school to support any children who are eligible - helping them to access every opportunity offered to their non free school meal peers.

    Children entitled to Pupil Premium make up a small % of our school roll and a small % also have additional SEND. We are also aware that there are a number of families who do not access or qualify for this grant but experience levels of hardship that make life more challenging.  These children and their families are also considered and we ensure that we offer equal opportunities to all. 

    To apply please call Central Bedfordshire Council on 0300 300 8306. When you call please have the following information ready:

    • National Insurance numbers 
    • Dates of birth for you and your partner 
    • Dates of birth for your children 
    • If you receive support from the national Asylum Support Service, your NASS number. 

    Our Ultimate Objectives are:

    • To narrow the in school gap between disadvantaged pupils and non-disadvantaged pupils by addressing inequalities and raising attainment.
    • For all disadvantaged pupils in school to make or exceed nationally expected progress rates.
    • To ensure that ALL pupils are able to read fluently and with good understanding to enable them to access the breadth of the curriculum.
    • To develop confidence in their ability to communicate effectively in a wide range of contexts.
    • To enable pupils access to a full and extended curriculum.
    • To offer and support pupils and families to overcome barriers such as attendance difficulties, multiple disadvantages and financial deprivation that can make it difficult to access opportunities offered by the school.

    Successful Strategies that we have implemented

    • Additional intervention in maths, phonics, reading and spelling
    • Nurture support to support social and emotional aspects of learning
    • Funding for school visits and curriculum enrichment opportunities

    The reports below detail how we use the Pupil Premium Grant to support our pupils: