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  • Safeguarding

    At St Leonard's Lower School we recognise:

    • Our statutory duty under Section 175 of the Education Act 2002 to ensure that arrangements are in place for safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children (Keeping Children Safe in Education 2024)
    • Our duty under the Children Act 2004 to work together with other organisations and partners in order to achieve this (Working Together to Safeguard Children DfE 2023)
    • Our Common Law duty to protect and keep children safe whilst in our care.
    • Our statutory duty under section 26 of the Counter-Terrorism and Security Act 2015

    We fully acknowledge our responsibilities for child protection and recognise that through our day to day contact with children, school staff are well placed to identify signs of risk and harm which might arise outside of time spent in school. We recognise that for children high self-esteem, confidence, risk awareness and good lines of communication help to reduce risks. We recognise that for some children school may be the only stable, secure and consistent environment in their lives.

    Roles and Responsibilities

    Local Multi Agency Safeguarding Arrangement

    The Children and Social Work Act 2017 (the Act) replaces Local Safeguarding Children Boards with new local safeguarding arrangements led by three safeguarding partners (local authorities, chief officers of police, and clinical commissioning groups).  The Act places a duty on those partners to make arrangements for themselves and relevant agencies they deem appropriate, to work together for the purpose of safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children in their area.  Education is one of the relevant agencies.  In Central Bedfordshire, the arrangements continue to be referred to as the Local Safeguarding Children Board (LSCB).

    We recognise that all staff, regardless of their role, have a duty to safeguard children and promote their welfare. Our policy applies to the whole school community: all teaching and non-teaching staff, governors, students/pupils and volunteers and visitors working in the school.

    Please find information below on our Safeguarding Leads:

    Sarah Bowley
    Headteacher, SENDCO
    Safeguarding Lead, Senior Mental Health Lead
    I am a trained domestic abuse responder, you can talk to me about domestic abuse.

    Siobhan Ryan, Senior teacher, Safeguarding deputy

    Samantha Nunn, School Business Manager, Safeguarding deputy

    Margaret Smithers, Safeguarding Governor

    Joanne Newens, Emotional Literacy Support Assistant

    We are a support hub working in partnership with Bedfordshire Domestic Abuse Partnership. You can talk confidentially to any of our safeguarding leads. Further support is available below:

    If you cannot speak over the phone, please follow the links to the websites above where you can access online support, information and advice. You can also take a look at the get help section of our BDAP website to see various services available to you. 

    In an emergency, call the Police on 999.