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  • Spellings

    Weekly Spellings

    Every Monday spellings will be put on Google Classroom for the children to practice. There will be six words with the week's spelling focus. There is no set spelling test but the children will need them as part of the Read, Write Inc spelling programme that we follow.

    It is up to you how you want to practise, you could print them off and:

    •  write them in
    •  cut them up to make flashcards and turn them in to a game.
    • stick them up in your room

    Or maybe

    • Type them on a computer

    Common Exception Words

    At the end of Year 2 the children are expected to be able to read and spell a list of common exception words. These words are usually exceptions to the rules and are not easily decodable. They have all been given a booklet for them to practise them in. If they hand it in completed (and correct) they can have a house point. There is no deadline but preferably before the end of Year 2!

    Below is a list of all of these words as well as the Year 1 common exception words.


    • What is Phonics?
      Here is a great website which explains all about how we teach phonics and decodes all the jargon.