Key skills you can work on throughout the year are:
Times Tables Songs
Mr. DeMaio and friends rock out to a new multiplication song for the two times tables over the hit song Rude by MAGIC! Learn your 2x table facts in this fun ...
Mr. DeMaio and friends cover Uptown Funk by Mark Ronson and Bruno Mars in this fun multiplication video that can be used to help you memorize your three time...
Jam out to Mr. DeMaio's new multiplication song for the five times table. The song is a rendition of "We Can't Stop" by Miley Cyrus using iPads only to creat...
Mr. DeMaio and friends cover Look What You Made Me Do by Taylor Swift in this fun multiplication video that can be used to help you memorize your ten times t...
For Fun
Here are some of the fun activities we have completed in class which you can try at home.
Rocket Rounding
Practise rounding to the nearest 10.
Telling the Time
Earn medals by answering these multiple choice questions about time.
Hit the button game
Great for number bonds, times tables, doubles and halves.
Adding 10
The evil genius Dr Trumpenfurter has created an army of evil robots which he plans to use to take over the world. Your job is to destroy the robot submarines using depthcharges. The only problem is your sonar screen is always off by 10 fathoms, so you have to add ten to the number shown.
Rounding to the nearest 10 game. Can you round 3 digit numbers?
Wibbly Wobbly Pobble Arrays
Practice your arrays by lining up the Pobbles.
Place value games
Race against the timer to see how well you do.
Maths Playground
Lots of fun maths games
Maths Games
Non competitive online maths games which includes all areas of maths with lots of small fun games.
Shuttle Game
Bridging through 10