At St Leonard's our Christian faith and values form the basis of everything we do. We are 'growing and learning together with God's love'. We are ambitious for all of our pupils and are committed to providing an inclusive education for all, enabling each child to learn and develop the skills and knowledge they need to flourish.
At St Leonard's we believe that ability to read is fundamental to our children succeeding; enabling them to access the next stage of their education and beyond. The skill of reading underpins everything that is taught and opens the door not only to learning across the curriculum but to many other opportunities in the wider world. We want our children to want to read; to want to become better readers and to know that reading can be a pleasure as well as opening doors to new knowledge. We want our children to experience the feeling of “escaping into a good book”.
We want reading opportunities across our school to be ambitious for all of our children and we ensure that our disadvantaged and SEND children have the same opportunities to experience books and other texts that all other children have.
We want all of our children to have the skills to decode words in order to be able to read fluently with understanding of what they have read.
We want reading to support our children to gain knowledge across the curriculum.
We intend to teach carefully planned lessons to support the children’s comprehension skills.
We intend to make our school a language rich environment with vocabulary rich reading material and good quality texts for the children to choose from.
We hope to promote confidence and positive attitudes to reading.
Reading is an important part of our curriculum and is an integral part of all of our lessons. At St Leonard's we teach reading through:
We have high expectations for reading outside of school and celebrate success through our reading reward scheme 'Have you read at home 3 times this week?'
We encourage a love of reading by taking part in national and local reading celebrations e.g. World Book Day and the Library Service Summer Reading Challenge.
In EYFS Reading is taught through shared reading, using large print books and picture books. Pupils are taught the process of reading; learning that words and pictures have meaning. Through a range of practical activities children learn familiar stories. Pupils explore skills such as sequencing, prediction and retrieval. Children learn to confidently blend and segment the Read, Write Inc. phonics set 1 and 2 sounds. They begin to read using 'ditties'.
In Key Stage 1, we use Read, Write Inc. for our phonics programme. Phonic awareness helps the development of reading by segmenting and blending sounds. The children will be heard reading individually and in groups using the RWI scheme until this is complete. Moving forward pupils explore vocabulary, prediction, sequencing, making inferences and retrieving information using VIPERS.
In Guided Reading lessons in Key Stage 1 pupils read from a range of storybooks and non-fiction books matched to their phonic knowledge, following the Read Write Inc scheme. We teach our youngest pupils to read by using these resources, to read together in group or in whole class activities. Pupils take turns in talking and reading to each other.
Our RWI book bag read at home books are closely matched to our RWI phonics reading scheme. Once pupils have completed the Read Write Inc reading scheme and have achieved the expected standard at phonics screening we use a variety of reading schemes to further their reading skills including Oxford reading tree, Ginn and Rigby star. From this point we have a clear reading progression system that runs through the school and pupils are assessed half termly on their reading level to ensure that they are reading the most appropriate books. Teachers talk to the children regularly about their strengths and areas of development, and communicate with parents via children's reading records. Reluctant readers, or those pupils who struggle with reading continue to follow the RWI reading programme every day to ensure that they make expected progress.
In Key Stage 2, we teach reading through a whole class approach focusing on the curriculum domains. We use VIPERS to ensure consistency across the Key Stage. Pupils explore vocabulary, prediction, sequencing, making inferences and retrieving information, ensuring that they are able to make justified responses using evidence from the text. Pupils explore a wide range of high quality fiction and non-fiction texts in their lessons, which are based around age appropriate texts linked to the topic being studied.
Guided Reading and Reading Comprehension:
Our children are taught the skills of reading comprehension through the use of VIPERS activities.
Reading VIPERS activities are used in both Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 with a little adaptation. At Key Stage 1 the S = Sequence and at Key Stage 2 the S = Summarise. At Key Stage 1 'Explain' is not one of the content domains, rather it asks children why they have come to a certain conclusion, to explain their preferences, thoughts and opinions about a text.
In Key Stage 1 children's reading skills are taught and practised using the VIPERS during whole class reading sessions and within English lessons. The key skills taught are:
Key Stage 1 Content Domain Reference | VIPER |
Draw on knowledge of vocabulary to understand texts | Vocabulary |
Identify/Explain key aspects of fiction and non-fiction, such as characters, events, titles and information | Retrieve |
Identify and explain the sequences of events in texts | Sequence |
Make inferences from texts | Infer |
Predict what might happen on the basis of what has been read so far | Predict |
In Key Stage 2 reading skills are taught and practised during whole class reading sessions. The key skills taught are:
Key Stage 2 Content Domain Reference | VIPER |
Give/explain the meaning of words in context | Vocabulary |
Retrieve and record information/identify key details from fiction and non-fiction | Retrieve |
Summarise main ideas from more than one paragraph | Summarise |
Make inferences from the text- Explain and justify inferences with evidence from the text | Inference |
Predict what might happen from details stated or implied | Predict |
Identify/explain how information/narrative content is related and contributes to meaning as a whole | Explain |
Identify/explain how meaning is enhanced through choice of words and phrases | Explain |
Make comparisons within a text | Explain |
Key Stage 2 VIPERS Lesson Structure
VIPERS whole class reading lessons take place 3 x a week for 30-45 minutes. These are separate to but may complement English lessons. During a typical session the teacher will share what the 2 content domains are that the children will be focusing on for that session.
Teachers carefully select up to 4 key vocabulary words that they want the children to learn that week, these will be taught, over learnt and embedded throughout the rest of the week to allow the children to use these words in different contexts.
Children access a wide range of texts, fiction, no-fiction and poetry which are often cross curricular in theme, appropriate to the age and stage that they are working at.
Children read during these sessions in a variety of different ways. They may hear the teacher model fluent reading and then have time to re-read the same extract themselves, they may read individually and feedback, work in groups, take turns in pairs or read aloud to their peers. A number of these strategies are used during one session.
Children are encouraged to orally speak the answer before writing anything down, acknowledging their first answer may not always be their best. We use a maximum of 5 questions each session to ensure that children are given time to provide quality answers. At times children are given sentence stems and vocabulary that they will be expected to use within their answer.
Children are encouraged to provide evidence for their answer based on a text extract or a picture they have seen in the book. Where appropriate children are encouraged to use evidence from a range of places within the text.
Recording and Assessment during VIPERS lessons
We encourage children to orally talk through their answers and ensure it is the best they can give before writing anything down. We also acknowledge it is good for children to also be able to formally record an answer. Children can do this in a variety of ways such as discussing the answer first with peers and/or an adult and then writing their best answer, working individually and then editing their answer accordingly after discussion, or orally discussing 1 or 2 of the questions and writing down the others working individually. Some children may receive the support of a scribe or a computer to record answers, others may work in a group to write answers on a whiteboard.
Teachers will focus on specific children during the lesson, this may mean hearing them read individually whilst others are reading independently, in pairs or groups, discussing answers with those children and working one to one or within a group with them during a session whilst the others form an answer independently. Teachers can then assess these children based on NC expectations and how they are performing relating to the specific content domains.
Through the teaching of systematic phonics, our aim is for children to become fluent readers by the end of Key Stage One. This way, children can focus on developing their fluency and comprehension as they move through the school.
Pupils in reception and year 1 are assessed at least termly on their progress through the phonics scheme.
Frequent formative assessments take place against the VIPERS domains and the common exception words (NC 2014) to ensure that pupils continue to make progress in reading once they have completed the phonics scheme.
Summative attainment in reading is measured using a range of statutory assessments at the end of Key Stage One and Two. These results are measured against the reading attainment of children nationally.
The school measures impact through:
At St Leonard's we believe that ability to write is fundamental to our children succeeding; enabling them to access the next stage of their education and beyond. Writing gives children a voice to share their ideas with the world. Considering the fundamental importance of writing in everyday life, we are driven by the need to develop each learner's writing ability, enabling them to play a full part in society.
Our aim is to ensure that pupils write clearly, accurately and coherently; write in different styles and for different purposes and audiences; develop a wide vocabulary and a solid understanding of the spelling and appropriate for their age group.
Writing is an important part of our curriculum and is an integral part of all of our lessons.
At St Leonards we teach writing by:
Ensuring each writing unit is planned in accordance with the national curriculum objectives
Planning the teaching of writing around core texts, which are carefully selected to ensure exposure to quality literature, to further develop cultural capital and to engage in the work of a variety of authors.
Carefully mapping the progression of writing skills throughout the year to ensure that the children explore the features of different genres of writing.
Spelling, grammar and punctuation rules are taught both discretely and as part of writing sequences of work to fit to the writing genre.
Teacher modelling shows children how to make choices and write effectively for a range of purposes and audiences. Shared writing sessions facilitate discussions and the sharing of ideas before children write independently.
Encouraging children to plan, draft and edit their work, making improvements and enhancing what they have written using purple polishing pens/pencils.
Providing vocabulary resources within all lessons to support children's understanding of rich and challenging vocabulary. Children are challenged to use and words of the week within their own independent writing.
Celebrating good writing by the sharing and display of WOW work in each classroom and celebrating this in awards assembly.
Supporting pupils to develop positive attitudes and stamina for writing through regular extended writing opportunities. Opportunities are given for children to write independently for a sustained amount of time, appropriate to their age.
Where possible using ICT to improve children’s communication skills and to give a different platform to present / perform their work.
Information for Parents