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Vision and Ethos Statement

At St Leonard’s our Christian faith and values form the basis of everything we do. We are 'growing and learning together with God's love'.  

Our school community is inspired by the Parable of the Sower. We are encouraged to think about and understand that the smallest things have the greatest potential when they are provided with the best conditions for growth.

We have high aspirations for all of our pupils and our staff. We aim to provide a learning experience and environment, that will enable everyone to develop deep roots and to grow and flourish in their own unique way

The Parable of the Sower (Matthew 13: 1-23)

Jesus told this story about a sower who was scattering some seed in a field. Some of the seed the sower scattered fell on a hard path. It could not sprout or grow and it was quickly eaten by birds. Some seeds fell on rocky ground where the soil was shallow. It grew quickly but could not grow deep roots and it was scorched and withered by the sun. Some of the seeds fell on ground full of weeds and thorns and, although the seed started to grow, it could not compete with the thorns and weeds and it gave up and died. But lots of seed fell on good soil. This soil felt just right, there were no weeds and it had lots of nutrients to help the seeds start growing. This soil helped the seed to plant deep, grow strong, flourish and produce lots of good fruit.

At St Leonard's Lower School we have high aspirations for all of our pupils and our staff. We aim to provide a high quality learning experience and environment, that will enable everyone to develop deep roots, flourish and grow in their own unique way.

We aim to do this by:

Sowing the seed well

To provide a school community built on the foundations of our 'Christian Values', where all children and adults feel safe, secure, welcome, included, challenged and nurtured and where they can grow personally, academically, socially and spiritually.

Maintaining a school community in which mutual respect and relationships are rooted in treating others as we would wish to be treated ourselves.

Cultivating good soil

To provide a high quality learning experience and environment which nurtures an excitement and appetite for learning.

To provide a relevant, stimulating and challenging curriculum, with quality of depth of knowledge and skills alongside opportunities to practise and apply these in meaningful ways, so that all learners achieve their full potential and are ready for their next steps in learning. 

To be dedicated to continuous improvement, challenging ourselves, celebrating our successes and always aspiring to be “the best we can be” in order to develop and maintain high standards in all aspects of work and school life.

To promote spiritual, moral, social and cultural understanding through appropriate curricular opportunities with particular reference to equality and diversity.

Nurturing in order to enable everyone to flourish

Promoting and supporting staff well-being and continuous professional development.

To provide an inclusive and accessible education and extra curricular opportunities for all, enabling each child to learn and develop the skills and knowledge they need to thrive.   

A whole school focus on ‘Growth Mindset’ encouraging our children to become resilient, independent life-long learners who strive to be the best that they can be.

To ensure that success and difference is celebrated. 

To nurture the whole child, promoting active and healthy lifestyles.

Producing a bumper crop

To provide an inviting and inclusive school environment where all members of the school community, of all faiths or none, are valued, respected and care for one another.

To encourage and develop links between the school, home, our parishes and the local, national and global community.

To provide an outstanding personal development curriculum to support our children become kind, happy and healthy people, who show resilience in the face of challenge and who contribute positively to an ever changing society in order to “Live life in all its fullness” John 10:10.