In EYFS and year 1 pupils take part in spelling activities within their daily phonics lessons and English lessons. They learn to spell using 'Fred fingers'.
The RWI spelling programme is used during Year 2 onwards (once the RWI phonics programme is completed). For those children still needing phonics intervention, this is carefully planned for assessing their gaps.
Desktop resources are used to support children to apply the spellings they have learned through the Read Write Inc phonics programme.
Common Exception Words are displayed in class and the children are encouraged to use these in their writing. Regular spelling assessments of these words are undertaken and those pupils needing additional support take part in precision teaching interventions to support long term memory and application of these in written work.
Older pupils are taught to use a dictionary to support spelling and those needing additional support have access to the Nessy Spelling Programme.
Pupils from year 1-4 take home weekly spellings to practice based on what they have been learning.